Kalo ngeliat poster film horor "Forget Me Not" ini, gue langsung teringat pada iklan produk susu yang dibintangi oleh Anggun. Tapi disini gue juga melihat kemiripan konsep pada poster film "The Mummy: Tomb of Dragon Emperor" kemarin. Btw, meski konsepnya masih tetap pengulangan, poster satu ini tetap lumayan tampil baik sebagai sebuah poster film horor, sekilas kalo dilihat bisa langsung memancing rasa ingin tau orang terhadap filmnya.

Film synopsis in English(IMDB): It's graduation weekend, and Sandy Channing, the popular class president of her small-town high school, should be enjoying the time of her life. But when her friends start disappearing, Sandy discovers they have unwittingly awakened the vengeful spirit of a girl they wronged long ago. Fighting for her sanity, Sandy must unlock a dark secret from her own past before it's too late.

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